2023-06-24 Stade de France, Paris, France/Source 1: Revision history

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14 April 2024

  • curprev 13:3413:34, 14 April 2024DMLiveWiki talk contribs 4,523 bytes +4,523 Created page with "== Notes == A very good audience recording. The taper would like to note: <blockquote> The right mic had a few cut-outs, I replaced them with the sound from the left mic, so on rare occasions, sound will switch to mono for less than a second. I hope you won't mind. </blockquote> Both the original high-resolution 24-bit, 96KHz fileset and a downsampled version in 16-bit, 44.1KHz are available for download below. == Listen == You can listen to this entire recording be..."