2005-12-07 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY, USA
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According to Billboard, this concert and 2005-12-08 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY, USA were sold out (28,516 people) and together they grossed $1,819,610.
The Bravery was the support act.
Despite being labeled as footage from the second night, this video is actually sourced from the first night. I want to express my gratitude to the "Master tape network" on YouTube for sharing this brilliant recording.
Set list

Credit to Mitchell Schneider.
- Intro (I Want It All)
- A Pain That I'm Used To
- John The Revelator
- A Question Of Time
- Policy Of Truth
- Precious
- Walking In My Shoes
- Suffer Well
- Damaged People (*)
- Home (*)
- I Want It All
- The Sinner In Me
- I Feel You
- Behind The Wheel
- World In My Eyes
- Personal Jesus
- Enjoy The Silence
- Somebody (*)
- Just Can't Get Enough
- Everything Counts
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Goodnight Lovers