1994-06-24 Garden State Arts Centre, Holmdel, NJ, USA/Source 1

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< 1994-06-24 Garden State Arts Centre, Holmdel, NJ, USA
Revision as of 14:51, 9 May 2023 by DMRobo (talk | contribs) (→‎Download)
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A decent audience recording. Boomy bass and muffled sounding.


You can listen to this entire recording below.

Track list


  1. [0:48] Play Preshow
  2. [7:04] Play Rush
  3. [4:49] Play Halo
  4. [5:17] Play Behind The Wheel
  5. [4:45] Play Everything Counts
  6. [6:17] Play World In My Eyes
  7. [6:36] Play Walking In My Shoes
  8. [5:22] Play Stripped
  9. [4:05] Play Condemnation (*)


  1. [5:08] Play I Want You Now (*)
  2. [6:41] Play In Your Room
  3. [5:03] Play Never Let Me Down Again
  4. [7:17] Play I Feel You
  5. [6:17] Play Personal Jesus
  6. [4:23] Play Somebody (*)
  7. [6:54] Play Enjoy The Silence
  8. [5:18] Play A Question Of Time
  • Total time: 1:32:04


  • unknown Audio Technica microphone + Sony TCD-D7 DAT recorder -> DAT3 clone -> unknown transfer (MiniDisc?) -> 2xCD-R -> unknown ripping program -> FLAC level 8
