2003-05-2x Mates Rehearsal Studios, Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Dave Gahan and his band were rehearsing in Mates Rehearsal Studios for about a week in the third week of May 2003. On May 22nd, Dave also did a web greeting for his site there. On the last day of the rehearsal period, about 20 people (presumably contest winners from some local radio station) were invited to watch the band perform. The setlist is unknown but it can be assumed that it was the full, main setlist from this tour.

Setlist (unconfirmed)

  1. Hidden Houses
  2. Hold On
  3. Dirty Sticky Floors
  4. A Question Of Time
  5. Bitter Apple
  6. Black And Blue Again
  7. Stay
  8. A Little Piece
  9. Walking In My Shoes
  10. I Need You
  11. Bottle Living
  12. Personal Jesus
  13. Goodbye
  14. I Feel You
  15. Never Let Me Down Again
  16. Enjoy The Silence / Just Can't Get Enough