2001-09-02 Horse Race Track, Warsaw, Poland
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Martin Gore wasn't feeling too good so he went to the doctor on September 1st.
Technique was the support act. Sarah Blackwood said to Release magazine: "When we supported Depeche in Warsaw, you can really see why electronic music is so upped there. It fits the landscape, you know. When you go through Warsaw you can’t play rock, you have to play something electronic."
Set list
- Easy Tiger - Dream On (Intro)
- The Dead Of Night
- The Sweetest Condition
- Halo
- Walking In My Shoes
- Dream On
- When The Body Speaks
- Waiting For The Night
- Sister Of Night (*)
- Breathe (*)
- Freelove
- Enjoy The Silence
- I Feel You
- In Your Room
- It's No Good
- I Feel Loved
- Personal Jesus
- Home (*)
- Clean
- Black Celebration
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Source 1 is Falko N's decent master audience recording. Bass is quite distorted.