1984-11-02 Hammersmith Odeon, London, England, UK/Source 1

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< 1984-11-02 Hammersmith Odeon, London, England, UK
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An excellent sounding soundboard recording. This recording is a rip of the CD bootleg A Quick One, presumably sourced from the promotional BBC pre-FM vinyl containing 12 tracks.

BBC Radio International information page for this date.

"Revision A" of this recording has speed-correction applied, and adds the "Richard Skinner Intro" from the alternate rip of the pre-FM vinyl (most likely a bootleg variant), which has slightly worse sound overall than this CD bootleg source. The date of this recording has also been corrected to November 2, 1984, based on the BBC Radio International catalog search page. See right.

The initial moments of Everything Counts are absent from this source, and as well on both FM broadcast recordings; leaving only the raw soundboard cassette (Source 2) with a complete introduction.

Other recordings from this concert exist:

  • Source 2 is a second-generation cassette copy of a raw soundboard recording containing 17 and a half songs
  • Source 3 is an excellent sounding UK FM broadcast recording from a master cassette which contains "Blasphemous Rumours" not found on this pre-FM transcription disc
  • Source 4 is another FM broadcast recording broadcast by WXRT in Chicago


You can listen to this entire recording below.

Track list

  1. [0:40] Play Richard Skinner Intro
  2. [4:20] Play Something To Do
  3. [3:57] Play Puppets
  4. [5:15] Play If You Want
  5. [4:15] Play People Are People
  6. [5:00] Play Leave In Silence
  7. [5:03] Play Somebody (*)
  8. [3:48] Play Ice Machine
  9. [5:30] Play Lie To Me
  10. [5:17] Play Master And Servant
  11. [4:27] Play Photographic
  12. [6:25] Play Everything Counts
  13. [4:15] Play See You
  • Total time: 58:10


  • A Quick One CD bootleg -> unknown ripping program -> FLAC -> speed correction -> FLAC level 8 16-bit 44.1khz
