2003-08-25 The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA, USA

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Here is the diary entry from DaveGahan.com:

Yes it is true Mr. Gore was at the L.A. show. Very nice.

Author: Victor

Martin Gore said in an interview for German magazine Sonic Seducer in December 2003 (translated):

"I did not find it as shocking or strange as I had previously thought. I knew beforehand that he was going to play many songs of Depeche Mode, so it was actually not a big surprise. He asked me if I would like to go on the stage with him and perform together with him, like some kind of medley. I told him, "I have no idea what you're doing up there and how you are performing the songs. If you had warned me, we could have rehearsed at least once."

Dave Gahan told Mojo magazine in March 2013:

"[Martin] came to one of the LA shows, I hadn’t seen him for a while, and afterwards - he'll probably hate me for this - he said, "I really feel like I'm following you around now," which shocked me because I'd been following him for so long."

Kenna was the support act.

Set list

  1. Hidden Houses
  2. Hold On
  3. Dirty Sticky Floors
  4. A Question Of Time
  5. Bitter Apple
  6. Black And Blue Again
  7. Stay
  8. A Little Piece
  9. Walking In My Shoes
  10. I Need You
  11. Bottle Living
  12. Personal Jesus
  13. Goodbye
  14. I Feel You
  15. Never Let Me Down Again
  16. Policy Of Truth
  17. Enjoy The Silence / Just Can't Get Enough