2009-12-15 O2 Arena, London, England, UK

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This concert was announced on March 24th, 2009.

Here is the diary entry for Depeche Mode's official tour blog:

First things first - this is London after all, so it's tradition to complain about the weather. It's cold. Very cold. The sun is out, but really could put in more of an effort, if you ask me. There, all done.

This was my first time at the O2 Arena, and was quite taken aback by it. The venue itself is enormous. Easily one of the biggest arenas I've seen. But what really struck me was the bit between the out-door bit and the venue bit. There's this bit that's basically a permanent fun fair with rides of all sorts, and bars and restaurants and a Starbucks. Had this been in the centre of London, all this would have seemed perfectly sane. But it's decidedly neither.

If New York was a busy night, then last night in London was at least double or triple that. With nearly 400 guests coming down for the band's first hometown gig of the tour, backstage was mental. A delightful mishmash of families, friends, business associates, journos, celebs and what-not made for a very colorful after show party.

The show was really good. The band were giving it their all, and with little effort got the London crowd rocking. As one on-looker commented, this was the best London gig in decades, which is at least partially down to a change in scenery. The O2 arena really a massive step up from the dreary warehouse feel of the old Wembley arena.

author: peter

Soulsavers were the support act.

Official video blog:

NOTE: This concert was officially released by Live Here Now and at one point sold on the official depechemodelive.com, which is currently defunct. Concerts with LHN releases generally do not have audience recordings widely circulating, and as such there may not be a recording available on this website for this concert.

Credit to _moronica_.

Set list

  1. In Chains
  2. Wrong
  3. Hole To Feed
  4. Walking In My Shoes
  5. It's No Good
  6. A Question Of Time
  7. Precious
  8. World In My Eyes
  9. Insight (*)
  10. Home (*)
  11. Miles Away / The Truth Is
  12. Policy Of Truth
  13. In Your Room
  14. I Feel You
  15. Enjoy The Silence
  16. Never Let Me Down Again
  17. One Caress (*)
  18. Stripped
  19. Behind The Wheel
  20. Personal Jesus

Set list info obtained from the Home forum.