1994-07-06 Riverbend Music Centre, Cincinnati, OH, USA

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According to The Cincinnati Enquirer, the attendance was 5,243 people, while the venue's capacity at the time was 15,700.

Stabbing Westward and Primal Scream were the support acts.

According to available bootlegs it's the only time on this tour when Martin sings his "it should be better (with you)" part at the end of A Question of Time. Despite historically being sung by Martin, this part was sung by Dave on this tour.


Set list

  1. Rush
  2. Halo
  3. Behind The Wheel
  4. Everything Counts
  5. World In My Eyes
  6. Walking In My Shoes
  7. Stripped
  8. Condemnation (*)
  9. I Want You Now (*)
  10. In Your Room
  11. Never Let Me Down Again
  12. I Feel You
  13. Personal Jesus
  14. Somebody (*)
  15. Enjoy The Silence
  16. A Question Of Time


  • Source 1 is Falko N's good master audience recording.