2003-07-12 Move Festival, Manchester, England, UK
Here is the diary entry from DaveGahan.com:
Well our first run in Europe is coming to an end, we have our last show at Wolverhampton today. Yesterday's show was not one of my favorites but still was pretty fun.
It was hard to concentrate on the show I think for all of us because we suspect that Knox's guitar tech might be a serial killer! He has impeccable hair! No really, all the time. We think he might have been trained by Ted Nugent at a very early age how to kill with just a guitar string and now lures unsuspecting fan's back to his hotel room, murders them and then makes jerky out of them (no waste!) I will get back to you on this matter. Beware if a man with impeccable hair approaches you at a Dave Gahan show! I would to thank all of the people that we have met or written us on this tour. I will never forget how wonderful the shows and the fans have been. Impeccable! No, really!
Author: Victor