2024-04-08 Lanxess-Arena, Cologne, Germany
This was the final concert of the 2023-2024 Memento Mori Tour. Behind The Wheel was performed in the slot which previously had "John The Revelator", for this concert only.
Prior to Waiting For The Night, Dave spoke to the audience. A video of the first speech can be watched via this tweet posted by Tara Salt (@Dingerz).
The audio below contains both of Dave's speeches:
A transcription of Dave's speech is below:
Before Waiting For The Night:
Dave: Thank you very much, thank you. Uhm, wait, I think before we start this, Martin and I want to thank Pete and Christian especially, of course, for being part of what we've just been doing for the last year...
Martin: Or more.
Dave: Or more, probably, yeah. And most importantly, the road crew, all the road crew, everybody, all of them. There's like, a hundred people that make this thing happen every night. And it's really been a special tour. We've had, obviously, some challenges at the beginning. We lost our friend, and Martin and I decided to carry on and make this record.
<crowd cheers>
Dave: And we did the tour, and I'm glad we did. Anyway, most importantly, I want to thank you all for being with us all these years. It really means a lot to us. Thank you so much.
Dave also said a few words after Waiting For The Night:
Dave: Thank you very much, thank you. Before we start the next song, I forgot to mention the captain of the ship and his very very loyal sidekick: Mr. Jonathan Kessler, and Mr. Alex Pollock. They really do make all this happen, so let's hear it!
<crowd cheers>
Dave: Thank you.
This concert was announced on July 14, 2023 via Live Nation's official Twitter account. However, the tweet only referred to the announcement of 2024-02-20 Mercedes-Benz Arena, Berlin, Germany. The announcement is mirrored below:
"Wir freuen uns eine Zusatzshow ankündigen zu können für Depeche Mode in Berlin am 20. Februar 2024! Offizieller Vorverkaufsstart ist am Montag, dem 17.07.2023 um 10 Uhr! Der Ticketmaster Pre-Sale startet bereits heute um 12 Uhr."
English translation:
"We are happy to announce an additional show for Depeche Mode in Berlin on February 20th, 2024! The official presale start is on Monday, July 17th, 2023 at 10 a.m.! The Ticketmaster pre-sale starts today at 12 noon."
Deeper was the support act.
Set list

- Intro (Speak To Me)
- My Cosmos Is Mine
- Wagging Tongue
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
- Policy Of Truth
- In Your Room
- Everything Counts
- Precious
- My Favourite Stranger
- Strangelove (*)
- Somebody (*)
- Ghosts Again
- I Feel You
- A Pain That I'm Used To
- World In My Eyes
- Black Celebration
- Stripped
- Behind The Wheel
- Enjoy The Silence
- Waiting For The Night
- Just Can't Get Enough
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Personal Jesus
Set list info obtained from the Home forum.
- Source 1 is Anonymous's very good audience recording.
- Source 2 is x4bath's good audience recording.
- Source 3 is Ronny's very good audience recording.
- Source 4 is mirandaaa's very good audience recording.
- Source 5 is stl's excellent audience recording.