2009-06-08 Zentralstadion, Leipzig, Germany
Here is the diary entry for Depeche Mode's official tour blog:
It was great seeing the band back on stage yesterday in Leipzig. Everyone was in high spirits during soundcheck, joking around, laughing and sounding great.
The show was simply put fantastic. The crowd response was phenomenal, and the band in top form. Attached a few snaps here. "Policy Of Truth" made it's first appearance this tour, in place of "In Sympathy".
The band left for Berlin straight after the show, and after a quick load out, the crew followed suit.
author: Peter
M83 and Polarkreis 18 were the support acts.
This was only 1 of 3 concert from this tour (the others being Luxembourg and Berlin) where the screen projection to 'Strangelove' (showing a woman licking another woman's toes) was shown in its entirety. In other cities, the screen either turned to red completely after about two minutes, or it got a red glare, making the footage almost indistinguishable. Andy Fletcher explained in August 2009 that the band debated a lot as to whether the foot fetishism was "OTT," over the top. "We sort of are quite risqué. But it's different now. We do have families. Dave has an 8-year-old daughter. Martin has kids. In the end we've sort of compromised [and cut out the naughtiest bits]. But to be honest, the main reason for the compromise is that during 'Strangelove' people were watching the screen and not watching us! But don't worry, the first two minutes [of the video] is good enough."
Official video blogs:
Pro-shots from the crew cams, for news agency DPA:
Fan-made multicam video of the entire concert:
NOTE: This concert was officially released by Live Here Now and at one point sold on the official depechemodelive.com, which is currently defunct. Concerts with LHN releases generally do not have audience recordings widely circulating, and as such there may not be a recording available on this website for this concert.

Set list
- In Chains
- Wrong
- Hole To Feed
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
- A Question Of Time
- Precious
- Fly On The Windscreen
- Jezebel (*)
- A Question Of Lust (*)
- Come Back
- Peace
- In Your Room
- I Feel You
- Policy Of Truth
- Enjoy The Silence
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Stripped
- Master And Servant
- Strangelove
- Personal Jesus
- Waiting For The Night
Set list info obtained from the Home forum.