2023-10-12 Kaseya Center, Miami, FL, USA
From DM Live - the Depeche Mode live encyclopedia for the masses
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This concert was announced on February 16, 2023 via depechemode.com's tour page.
DIIV was the support act.
Band manager Jonathan Kessler was in attendance.
After Wrong, Dave commented about some fans in the audience:
“Oh, you’re wearing matching shirts over here. See that? They must have called each other before the show. ‘Oh we’re gonna wear black, right?’ You wanted to wear black? What a surprise.”
At the beginning of the outro of Stripped, Dave erroneously sang "let me hear you stripped". Dave also erroneously sang "if for blindness you substitute blindness" for the penultimate line of Condemnation.
Set list
- Intro (Speak To Me)
- My Cosmos Is Mine
- Wagging Tongue
- Walking In My Shoes
- It's No Good
- Sister Of Night
- In Your Room
- Everything Counts
- Precious
- My Favourite Stranger
- A Question Of Lust (*) (full band)
- Strangelove (*) (acoustic)
- Ghosts Again
- I Feel You
- A Pain That I'm Used To
- World In My Eyes
- Wrong
- Stripped
- John The Revelator
- Enjoy The Silence
- Condemnation
- Just Can't Get Enough
- Never Let Me Down Again
- Personal Jesus
- Source 1 is DMLiveWiki's very good master audience recording.
- Source 2 is CPR's very good master audience recording.
- Source 3 is taperanonymous's very good master audience recording.
Ticket and memorabilia

Credit to DMLiveWiki.