2017-09-09 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA/Source 1

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< 2017-09-09 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA
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An excellent recording. This is a matrix of the Assistive Listening Device feed (which is basically a soundboard feed intended for use by hearing-impaired individuals to better experience the concert) and an excellent audience recording. There are infrequent bursts of static, but they are not too detracting.

Revision A notes: fan zzed101 discovered that one channel was inverted on this recording, causing undesirable phase cancellation and resulting in a strange sounding "tunnel" sort of effect. This has been corrected. The recording is also re-tracked slightly to correct the start time of Going Backwards and Barrel Of A Gun.

Thanks to RyanJ for taping and sharing, and to JD for lending Ryan the CCM4 microphones.


You can listen to this entire recording below.

Track list

  1. [4:32] Play Preshow / Intro
  2. [6:21] Play Going Backwards
  3. [4:47] Play So Much Love
  4. [6:01] Play Barrel Of A Gun
  5. [4:28] Play A Pain That I'm Used To
  6. [5:08] Play Corrupt
  7. [6:48] Play In Your Room
  8. [6:00] Play World In My Eyes
  9. [5:29] Play Cover Me
  10. [4:27] Play A Question Of Lust (*)
  11. [6:52] Play Home (*)
  12. [3:32] Play Poison Heart
  13. [5:16] Play Where's The Revolution
  14. [4:11] Play Wrong
  15. [7:28] Play Everything Counts
  16. [5:08] Play Stripped
  17. [7:47] Play Enjoy The Silence
  18. [9:29] Play Never Let Me Down Again
  19. [5:41] Play Somebody (*)
  20. [7:00] Play Walking In My Shoes
  21. [6:56] Play Heroes
  22. [6:32] Play I Feel You
  23. [6:22] Play Personal Jesus
  • Total time: 2:16:15


  • WAV -> Adobe Audition (normalize to -0.1dB, slight lift in highs, convert to 16/44, matrix, track) -> WAV -> xACT -> FLAC -> convert to single WAV -> in Audacity 3.2.5: inverted right channel to correct phase cancellation, normalized to -0.1dB and any DC offset removed -> WAV -> FLAC level 8
  • Equipment #1: Schoeps CCM4s + Actives + Naiant Tinybox + Sony PCM-M10
  • Equipment #2: Assistive Listening Device (ALD) receiver -> Edirol R-05
  • Taper: RyanJ
  • Taping location: Floor, Section B, Row 7, Seat 3
  • auCDtectTaskManager log and original info file included
